At Bridgewater, we offer a wide array of subjects and extra-curricular activities, so that everyone has the chance to pursue passions, to participate, to be part of a group, to develop confident relationships but to be unique.
Students have the opportunity to compete at the highest level and represent their school in a range of team and individual sports. Our recent sporting successes have included: National ISA U16 Champions (Football), Salford KS4 Badminton Champions, Salford Netball League Champions, Salford Y9 Girls Rounders Champions, National ISA U16 Netball Finalists and Northern ISA Athletics Champions (various disciplines).
The recent addition of a new sports centre and drama studio, together with a 3G all-weather sports area, have enhanced our wide-ranging extra-curricular programme which continues to underpin the excellent personal development of all our pupils.
Enrichment opportunities
Each year we provide an eclectic array of experiences which include sporting and cultural tours and residential bonding trips, together with the opportunity for wider travel to such places as Iceland and the USA to inform and energise their learning experiences and subject choices. Recent experiences have included: MFL / History trip to France, Club La Santa multi-sport trip, Ski Trip, USA History Tour, Wimbledon Tennis Championships & Thorpe Park Trip, Vocal Group performance at Disneyland Paris, and Malaga Football and Netball Tour.