Prep School – Beyond the classroom

We support the notion that education does not just happen in a classroom. As a school we are dedicated to providing immersive learning experiences that extend beyond the classroom and our extensive Extra Curricular timetable and Enrichment Programme of trips away from school are key to enriching, diversifying and developing our curriculum.

The wonderful resource that is Worsley Woods is on our doorstep. From the age of 3 we embrace our local environment and encourage our children to appreciate its beauty and wonder. As the children develop we gradually widen our pupil’s experiences of the world beyond the classroom through visits to local places of interest.

As the children become juniors they travel greater distances to places such as Llandudno to enrich their topic work. Children continue to enjoy educational visits throughout Key Stage 2 to develop their appreciation of their topic.

Children go on residential trips to various locations around the North of England. These trips are crucial in the development of social and independence skills for the children.  All children are expected to participate in these trips, and with this in mind, they have been tailored to appeal to all. They are mostly of a discovery and cultural nature, allowing children to experience and share things outside the classroom with their peers and teachers.

Children in Preps V and VI are also given the option of a holiday of a more physical adventurous nature where children are encouraged to push themselves out of their ’comfort zone’. This usually takes place at an Outdoor Adventure Centre and lasts up to 5 days.

We encourage our children to compete with their peers from other schools in a wide variety of sporting and academic competitions. We compete regionally at cricket, tag rugby, rounders, football, netball, basketball, dance and nationally at cross country, athletics and chess.

Children also enjoy a wide range of extracurricular activities provided by all our staff from all departments. The clubs consist of sport, art, dance, debate, academic challenges, games, music, fun activities and clubs devised by the children themselves. These clubs are a perfect opportunity for children to challenge themselves in diverse ways with children from other classes and to understand that teachers have hobbies and interests beyond the classroom.

The school's family atmosphere and inclusive and tolerant ethos underpins the excellent personal development of pupils.

ISI report 2015

Sixth Form Open Evening 2024

At Bridgewater School Sixth Form our aim is to help students to develop a real sense of who they are and exactly what they can achieve, through the exceptional focus

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2024 GCSE results remain strong

We are delighted to share news of the excellent GCSE results achieved by our 2024 cohort, which have remained at a consistently strong level, against a national picture where grades

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Perfect A Level pass rate for 2024

We are incredibly proud to announce that, for yet another consecutive year, our Sixth Form students have achieved a 100% pass rate in their A Level examinations. A remarkable 40%

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Wellbeing Week initiative introduced

We believe that the health and wellbeing of our students is fundamental to their overall development and success. With this in mind, we were delighted to introduce an exciting new

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