Welcome from the Head

Bridgewater is a school for families. We are a co-educational independent school for children aged between 3 and 18 years and our educational provision is inclusive, challenging, academically stimulating and pastorally supportive.

We truly believe in a holistic approach to education and offer an extensive range of opportunities in academic work and in the form of extra-curricular experiences beyond the classroom. Our school ethos aims to produce individuals who are well-rounded and able to meet the challenges of life in the 21st century and we feel that personal development is greatly enhanced by the challenge of a wide-ranging extra-curricular programme across all sections of the school.

As a 3-18 school on a single site, we work harmoniously across our full age range supporting your child in their first steps into our outstanding Early Years’ section and throughout their learning journey up to university entrance after their studies in the Sixth Form. Our community provides recognition of the individual needs of each child and student whilst still ensuring that the collective needs of teams, choirs, productions and all the other facets of a vibrant school community are also well promoted. We want our pupils to celebrate and take pride in personal, individual and group achievement.

We are a reflective school striving for continuous improvement in and out of the classroom and in the facilities that we offer. We encourage our pupils to be equally reflective, mutually respective, considerate, thoughtful and ambitious. We expect the highest academic standards and provide a stimulating learning experience for all our children and students.

While the website should give you a flavour of our wonderful school, only a visit can give you a real sense of the welcoming atmosphere, positive relationships between staff and pupils and our purposeful approach to learning. We strongly encourage you to come and see us, either on one of our open days or on a bespoke individual tour of the school where you can experience our unique atmosphere for yourself and become part of our exciting future!

Mrs Judy Nairn
Head Teacher

To be yourself, to have the space and opportunity to develop your individual talent and personality within a nurturing school community, is the greatest freedom of all.

Sixth Form Open Evening 2024

At Bridgewater School Sixth Form our aim is to help students to develop a real sense of who they are and exactly what they can achieve, through the exceptional focus

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2024 GCSE results remain strong

We are delighted to share news of the excellent GCSE results achieved by our 2024 cohort, which have remained at a consistently strong level, against a national picture where grades

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Perfect A Level pass rate for 2024

We are incredibly proud to announce that, for yet another consecutive year, our Sixth Form students have achieved a 100% pass rate in their A Level examinations. A remarkable 40%

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Wellbeing Week initiative introduced

We believe that the health and wellbeing of our students is fundamental to their overall development and success. With this in mind, we were delighted to introduce an exciting new

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