Murder Mystery raises valuable funds

Following the success of last year’s Murder Mystery evening, Bridgewater School was delighted to once again host another highly entertaining fundraising event in support of St Ann’s Hospice. This year,

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Sixth Form lead Macmillan Coffee Morning

We are thrilled to announce that this year’s Macmillan Coffee Morning, led by our dedicated Year 13 volunteers, has been the most successful to date. Thanks to the incredible generosity

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Bridgewater runners shine at Mcr Marathon

The streets of Manchester served as the backdrop for an inspiring display of energy and dedication during the 2024 Adidas Manchester Marathon. Among the thousands who participated from around the

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Over £30,000 raised for St Ann’s Hospice

As a school we pride ourselves on our dedication to community engagement and charitable initiatives, so we are delighted to announce that our fundraising efforts for St. Ann’s Hospice have

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Wood Street Mission Gift Appeal

Every child deserves a magical Christmas, regardless of circumstance. That is why we are once again proud to support Wood Street Mission with their Christmas Gift Appeal. We are reaching

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Championing fitness and fundraising

We are thrilled to share the incredible efforts and achievements of our pupils as they once again dedicated their time and energy to support BBC Children in Need. November was

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Macmillan fundraising reaches £13,000

We are thrilled to announce that this year’s Macmillan Coffee Morning at Bridgewater School was, once again, a tremendous success, raising £1,075. This accomplishment now brings our total fundraising for

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Bridgewater School 50 50 Raffle

50 50 Fundraising Raffle results 2023

Thank you to all those who participated in our 50 / 50 Fundraising Raffle for 2022-23. Together we raised a total of £2,250, with 50% going towards the purchase of

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Mastering the 3 Peaks for Cancer Research

The National Three Peaks Challenge involves climbing the three highest mountains in Scotland, England and Wales and, having previously reached the summits of Scafell Pike and Snowdon, Prep brothers Oliver

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Shoe recycling for Emmaus Salford

Following on from our success last year we will once again be collecting unwanted and unused footwear for children living in ‘Shoe Poverty’ in the Salford area. If you have

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Supporting charities at home and abroad

As a family-focused school, championing and supporting others lies at the heart of everything we do. As a community, we aim to raise over £10,000 each year for charitable causes

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Bridgewater dancers support The Christie

January 2023 saw six of Bridgewater’s incredibly talented performers take to the stage at the amazing Middleton Arena for Song & Dance Live in support of The Christie Charitable Fund. Performing

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Bridgewater children search for Pudsey Bear in aid of BBC Children in Need

BBC Children in Need Bear Hunt

In recent years, children and young people have faced unprecedented and life-defining challenges, all of which have left their mark. But, with the support from communities such as ours, BBC

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Wood Street Mission Christmas Appeal 2022

This year we are once again asking for your help to make Christmas special for disadvantaged children in our area. By donating a gift to the Wood Street Mission Christmas

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Awareness for Anti Bullying Week

Here at Bridgewater School we believe that individuals count. Being ourselves and appreciating the differences of others lies at the heart of everything we do. This is why we believe

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CPR training for Restart a Heart Day

The latest statistics from the British Heart Foundation show that around 30,000 cardiac arrests happen away from a hospital environment in the UK every year and, in some cases, performing

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Continued commitment to Wrap Up Salford

Three years ago we pledged our commitment to support a city-wide project to ‘Wrap Up Salford’, collecting winter coats for those living in crisis. Since then, thousands of coats have

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Record amount raised for Macmillan

On Friday 30th September 2022, families were invited to join us for the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. This is a cause which many of

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Bridgewater School 50 50 Raffle

50 50 Fundraising Raffle results 2022

Thank you to all those who participated in our 50 / 50 Fundraising Raffle for 2021-22. Together we raised a total of £2,200, with 50% going to our school to

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50 50 raffle supporting school projects

New projects supported by shared raffle

We are delighted to announce the continuing success of our shared 50 50 Raffle which welcomes new members from across the school community. Through the 50 50 scheme, 50% of

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Bridgewater School students and staff take part in sponsored 5K to raise money for St Anns Hospice

5K fundraiser for St Ann’s Hospice

On Wednesday 25th May, more than 50 Bridgewater staff and students took part in a sponsored 5K run to raise money for St. Ann’s Hospice. The charity, which has been

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British Sign Language learning opportunity at Bridgewater School

Students to learn British Sign Language

Deaf Awareness Week 2022 sees the launch of a new extra-curricular learning opportunity for senior students at Bridgewater School. The British Sign Language & Deaf Awareness course, organised in partnership

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Bridgewater School raises funds for Friends of Rosie

Continued support for Friends of Rosie

This year we were once again proud to assist local charity Friends of Rosie with their seasonal fundraising campaign. Now an annual event, the giant handcrafted Easter egg donated by Manchester-based

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Bridgewater School raises money for Centrepoint

Prep Council support for Centrepoint

At a recent Prep Council meeting, three young fundraisers suggested the idea of a cake sale to raise money for the homeless. The initiative, which relies on the strong sense

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Helping to create enduring equality

Year 8 students recently presented an assembly to the senior school to raise awareness of International Women’s Day which takes place on the 8th March each year. On this day,

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Aid for Ukrainian war refugees. How Bridgewater School can help

Aid for Ukrainian war refugees

Urgent help needed 3rd – 4th March 2022 As the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine worsens, aid workers on the Ukrainian-Polish border are witnessing tragic scenes. War refugees with children are

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CPR training at Bridgewater School

Bridgewater continues vital CPR training

According to the British Heart Foundation, 30,000 people in the UK suffer a cardiac arrest out of hospital every year. Less than 1 in 10 survive. In countries like Norway,

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Christmas Gifting Appeal 2021

Every child deserves to have a special Christmas. Yet a third of young people are going to bed without a hot dinner, living with no central heating and don’t have

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Bridgewater School children ramble through Worsley Woods for Children in Need 2021

Prep Ramble for BBC Children in Need

The Autumn term at Bridgewater School is always busy with the school community adding a number of charity fundraising events to their calendars. For senior students, time is invested in

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Embracing our differences with Odd Socks Day

Bridgewater School Odd Socks Day, Friday 19th November 2021 This November Bridgewater is joining schools across Britain to embrace the message of ‘One Kind Word’, the theme for this year’s

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Bridgewater School help Wrap Up Salford 2021

Community helps to Wrap Up Salford

In 2019 Bridgewater School joined in a city-wide ‘Wrap Up’ project to help keep Greater Manchester warm in winter. A project that gave almost 3,000 coats to people in need

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Pink and Yellow charity fundraising day at Bridgewater School

Bridgewater adds colour to fundraising event

Article by Year 13 Publicity Officer, David Edwards. Friday 15th October saw the whole of the Bridgewater School community come together to take part in our annual ‘Pink and Yellow’

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Bridgewater Sixth Form Charity Coordinators

2021 fundraiser for Macmillan Cancer Support

On Friday 24th September the World’s Largest Coffee Morning took place in homes across the country in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support and all those living with cancer. The Coffee

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Bridgewater School 50 50 Raffle

50 50 Fundraising Raffle results 2021

Thank you to all those who participated in our 50 / 50 Fundraising Raffle for 2020-21. Together we raised a total of £750, with 50% going to our school to

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Youth Sport Trust Week of Sport at Bridgewater School

Prep Week of Sport for Youth Sport Trust

In support of the Youth Sport Trust, the Prep Department’s ‘Week of Sport’ coincided with the charity’s National School Sport Week (NSSW2021), celebrating the importance of physical education and the

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Bridgewater students raise funds for Save the Children Gaza Appeal

Y11 raise funds for Gaza Appeal

Following discussions surrounding the humanitarian crisis taking place in Gaza, as part of their PSHCE studies, a group of Year 11 students requested the help of the Bridgewater community to

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Olly Livsey supports RMCH Charity

Olly’s journey to support RMCH

This month, Prep II pupil Olly Livsey embarked on a journey with his auntie to raise money for the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Charity by walking a collective 130 miles.

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Harrison and Jensens Christmas Bake Sale

Brotherly Bake Sale for Wood Street Mission

At Bridgewater School, community spirit is always something to be celebrated and the events of this year have shown us all the importance of going above and beyond to help

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Bridgewater Christmas Giving Appeal 2020

Christmas Giving Food Bank Appeal

This year’s senior school Advent Assembly, delivered by Mrs Purchase on the subject of Christmas Giving, was given a geographical focus and detailed three ways in which the Bridgewater community

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Mission Christmas 2020

Support for Mission Christmas 2020

This year we are once again asking for support from our Bridgewater school community to make this Christmas Day different for disadvantaged children in our area. 1 in 3 children

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Bridgewater Prep deliver virtual Harvest Festival 2020

Prep celebrate virtual Harvest Festival

In celebration of this year’s Harvest Festival, children throughout the Prep Department have been working hard and delivered a heart-warming virtual performance of their favourite seasonal songs for the school

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Pink and Yellow Day

Pink & Yellow Day unites hearts and minds

On 22nd October 2020 students across the school came together for a pink and yellow filled day to show their support and raise vital funds for UK charities Breast Cancer

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A new way to support Macmillan for 2020

A new way to support Macmillan

The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning is Macmillan’s biggest fundraising event for people facing cancer and is, for everyone here at Bridgewater School, a cause very close to our hearts. From

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Help for Emmaus Salford School Uniform Hub

Help for Emmaus Salford School Uniform Hub

For most children, the start of a new school year is an exciting time, full of promise and opportunity. However, for families struggling to make ends meet, replacing school uniform

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Bridgewater School 50 50 Raffle

50 50 Fundraising Raffle results 2020

A huge thank you to everyone who participated in our 50 / 50 Fundraising Raffle for 2019-20. Together we raised a wonderful £1,250, with 50% going to our school to

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Oliver Matthews double marathon challenge for Shelter

Oliver’s double marathon challenge

In an incredible feat of achievement, Prep III’s Oliver Matthews completed the equivalent of two marathons in aid of homeless charity ‘Shelter’, who work to alleviate the distress caused by

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Bridgewater DT Dept make vital PPE for health workers

DT Department produce vital PPE for health workers

Our fabulous DT Department recently created a partnership with St. Hilda’s High School in Liverpool to create desperately-needed protective visors for frontline medical staff. Working collaboratively to increase productivity, Miss

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Benjamin's 10 mile fundraiser for NHS

Benjamin’s 10 mile fundraiser for the NHS

After seeing some incredible fundraising efforts to help others, Reception’s Benjamin felt inspired to do something to raise money too and set himself a 10 mile challenge. Spurred on by

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Scrub bags for NHS

Pupil joins sewing army providing scrubs for NHS

Prep VI pupil, Evie Browne, has spent every Saturday for the last three months learning how to sew and her commitment to mastering this complex skill is now being put

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Rainbow image for Manchester Nightingale Hospital

Spreading the colour

Whether you are joining the weekly doorstep applause or your child is busy creating rainbows, it is truly heartwarming to see the collective appreciation being shown for Key Workers across

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40 Days 40 Ways initiative

40 Days, 40 Ways…to make a difference

As a school, looking outside ourselves to the wider world in which we live is central to our charitable ethos. This is why, starting on the first day of Lent,

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Children at Bridgewater School raise funds for WWF Australia Bushfire Appeal

Support for WWF Australia Bushfire Appeal

Following the news of the Australian bushfires devastating the nation, our Prep children expressed a strong desire to support the World Wildlife Fund in their efforts to rescue the millions

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Bridgewater Y8 students drive initiative to help children living in poverty

Students drive initiative to help children in poverty

After watching a Dispatches documentary called ‘Growing Up Poor’ in a recent PSHCE lesson, Form 8W decided it was an issue worth exploring and worked together to find out more.

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Bridgewater School's sustainable initiatives

Working towards a more sustainable future

For our students and staff at Bridgewater, social responsibility is a key part of the school’s agenda where every individual counts, and the introduction of sustainable, recyclable paper bags is

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Bridgewater School talent show 2019 winner Saskia Beswick

Talented students put on show for Rainbow Trust

December 2019 saw philanthropic Sixth Formers undertake further charitable fundraising activity in the form of this year’s Senior Talent Show, in which the superb vocal talents of Year 11 pupil,

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Bridgewater School's 2019 Festive 5K for Royal Manchester Children's Hospital Charity

Festive 5K for Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Charity

On Wednesday 11th December 2019, both students and staff took part in a sponsored Festive 5K run to raise valuable funds for the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Charity. Over 40

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Senior Vocal Group perform at St Ann's Hospice

Spreading Christmas joy at St Ann’s Hospice

Last week our Senior Vocal Group visited St. Ann’s Hospice to spread a little Christmas cheer and help make this time of year special for those in need of care.

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Bridgewater School 2020 Worsley Woods Fundraising Calendar winners announced

2020 Worsley Woods Fundraising Calendar – winners announced

We are delighted to announce that our beautiful 2020 Woodland Fundraising Calendars have arrived in school and are now available to order via ParentPay, with all proceeds going towards the

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Ramble for BBC Children in Need 2019

Prep’s Countryfile Ramble for BBC Children in Need 2019

Following the success of last year’s fundraising Countryfile Ramble for BBC Children in Need, last week our Prep children once again donned their wellies in support of the charity’s 2019

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Anti Bullying Week 2019

Celebrating our differences for Anti-Bullying Week

Last week’s Anti-Bullying assembly was an important reminder of the significant impact that bullying has on a child’s life and our collective responsibility to make it stop. To help raise

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Bridgewater School supporting Mission Christmas 2019

Support for Mission Christmas appeal 2019

Christmas is a busy time for us all and in addition to the seasonal extra-curricular programme, we appreciate that we also ask parents for their time and generosity in helping

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Wrap Up Greater Manchester

Working together to Wrap Up Greater Manchester

‘Warm a heart, give a coat’ is the emotive appeal by the Rotary Club for the Wrap Up Greater Manchester campaign and we’re asking our Bridgewater parents to join us

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Bridgewater students wear it pink for Breast Cancer Now

Students go pink in support of Breast Cancer Now

October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month and on Thursday 17th the Senior School came together with other schools and communities across the nation to ‘wear it pink’ and show support

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Bridgewater says HelloYellow

Bridgewater says ‘HelloYellow’ for Young Minds

On World Mental Health Day this Thursday, senior students will be saying #HelloYellow in support of children and young people’s mental health. In addition to a lunchtime yoga session, Sixth

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Worsley Woods

Calendar creation raising funds for Worsley Woods

Earlier this year Salford council’s Ranger Team sadly had to dismantle the woodland adventure playground / trim trail equipment in Worsley Woods due to severe weathering. Since this time, they

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2019 macmillan coffee morning

2019 Macmillan coffee morning the biggest yet

This year’s coffee morning has proved to be the biggest yet, with £1,000 raised for Macmillan Cancer Support thanks to the generosity of our Bridgewater family and friends (and the

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Raising money for Diabetes UK

The Seward family aim high for Diabetes UK

Here at Bridgewater we consider ourselves a family. That means understanding, supporting and championing one another, celebrating each other’s success and ensuring we are here to help when it is

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Bridgewater Prep talent show

Bridgewater Prep children showcase their talent

At the end of the summer term, Prep children marked the end of another wonderful year with a talent show organised by Bridgewater’s Prep Council. A fabulous showcase of the

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Three Peaks Challenge 2019

Three Peaks Challenge for local scout group

At Bridgewater School we believe in inspiring others through our own actions and witness wonderful examples of individuals challenging themselves to achieve for the benefit of others every day. Just

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Bridgewater School EYFS adventure playground

Bridgewater pupils unveil new adventure playground

The endeavours of the children on the Prep Council have been rewarded with the installation of some essential new play equipment, which they proudly presented to the surprise and delight

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Alzheimers Society cupcake day

Cupcake Day raises funds for Alzheimers Society

On Thursday 13th June we invited the school community to come together in support of Alzheimer’s Society Cupcake Day, an opportunity to help people affected by dementia simply through the

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Bridgewater School Music Showcase

2019 Music Showcase

On Thursday 27th June our  annual Music Showcase Evening was held at Bridgewater School in aid of St. Ann’s Hospice, raising £925 for this very special charity. A wonderful evening,

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Raise free funds for Bridgewater School

Superpower your shopping and raise free funds for our school

Raise free funds for us when you shop online via TheGivingMachine TheGivingMachine is a registered charity and fundraising organisation designed to help schools and charities raise money online. Retailers pay

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Red Nose Day 2019

Raising laughs and raising money – Red Nose Day 2019

Red Nose Day 2019 saw our Prep School children join in the fun, raising laughs and raising money for Comic Relief with a giggletastic ‘joke-athon’. Children from Kindergarten through to

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World Book Day

World Book Day 2019

World Book Day is a fantastic way to emphasise the wonder of books to our children. This year, on Thursday 7th March, Bridgewater School will be incorporating our World Book

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Bridgewater community is full of love

Bridgewater community is full of love

On Thursday 14th February, Prep children enjoyed the generous support of the Bridgewater community at their Valentine’s Day Cake Sale. Organised by the Prep Council to raise valuable funds for

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2018 Senior Talent Show winners

Students put on a show for Centrepoint

The last day of term saw the annual Talent Show make a much anticipated return, with acts from across the Senior School performing in front of an enthusiastic crowd. A

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Christmas Jumper

Christmas Jumper Day 2018

Thank you to everyone who participated in Christmas Jumper Day. Together, we sported our winter woollies for Save the Children and raised £185.85 (and a few smiles along the way).

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Bridgewater Y10s at Dragons Den final

Team of entrepreneurs raise record amount for St. Ann’s Hospice

After successfully coming away from the Dragons with the maximum investment for their ‘Bridgewater Bags’ business venture back in October, last week the team returned to the Den for the

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Support for Monton Church Christmas Tree Festival

This Christmas, children from Prep II have been working hard to make decorations for a Bridgewater branded Christmas tree, ready for the annual Christmas Tree Festival at Monton Unitarian Church.

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Anti Bullying Week Choose Respect

Prep children support Anti-Bullying Week

Following the lessons and activities undertaken during Anti-Bullying Week, 12th – 16th November 2018, we asked some of our Prep pupils their thoughts on the matter and the importance of

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Bridgewater Prep pupil Thea Birch

Prep pupil takes initiative to help the homeless

After learning about homelessness at school and witnessing it for herself one day, one of our Prep V pupils, felt so moved by the crisis that, quite simply, she decided

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BBC Children in Need 2018

Doing our thing for Children in Need

On Friday 16th November, over one hundred and fifty of our youngest pupils turned out to raise money for BBC Children in Need. Aged between 2 and 11 years old,

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Bridgewater school CPR training

Bridgewater School helps create nation of lifesavers

In support of the British Heart Foundation’s mission to train 5,000 people in life saving skills by 2020, Senior School pupils at Bridgewater School in Worsley are now receiving invaluable

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Bridgewater support UK charity PEAS

Sixth Formers provide continued support for African schools

Sixth Form students at Bridgewater School have continued their support for the UK charity PEAS (Promoting Equality in African Schools) through this year’s sweet shop initiative. Run in school over

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Bridgeewater School helps Operation Christmas Child

Bridgewater parents bring joy to children overseas with Operation Christmas Child

Once again, Bridgewater parents have been going above and beyond to help bring joy to disadvantaged children in some of the poorest places in the world. The school has become

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Bridgewater family pulls together for MND Association

On Friday 2nd November 2018, Prep School teachers and pupils donned pyjamas and wellies before setting off on a sponsored fun run to raise money for the Motor Neurone Disease

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Dragons Den students

Year 10 students secure maximum investment from Dragons

This year’s Manchester Airport Community Network Dragons Den Enterprise competition saw a group of Year 10 Bridgewater students successfully pitch their business idea for ‘Bridgewater Bags’ and secure the maximum

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Bridgewater School Wear It Pink

School joins together to Wear It Pink

On Thursday 18th October, Senior and Sixth Form students and staff joined together to Wear It Pink in support of Breast Cancer Now, the UK’s largest breast cancer research charity.

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Bridgewater School Harvest Festival

Heartwarming generosity for Harvest Festival

The Prep Hall was brimming with goodness today for Harvest Festival, with generously donated food parcels of all shapes and sizes filling the tables ready to be shared with local

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macmillan coffee morning

Sixth Formers raise record amount for Macmillan

  The Bridgewater community spirit shone through last week as students, parents and staff shared in our annual Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support and in memory of

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Annual Citizenship Day 2018

Bridgewater School recently hosted the annual Rotary Club Citizenship Day with a number of our pupils participating in activities with students from other local schools aimed at increasing their awareness

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Sixth Form Tanzania Expedition 2018

Some of our Sixth Form students have recently enjoyed a ‘practice run’ for their eagerly anticipated expedition to Tanzania later in the summer term. The purpose of the weekend was to

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Annabel Yr 12

Annual Music and Art Exhibition Showcase in aid of St Ann’s Hospice

Tickets are going fast for our annual Music and Art Showcase Evening in aid of St.Ann’s Hospice this Thursday 24th May from 5.45 to 7pm. With a multitude of talent

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Lessons from Auschwitz

Chloe Povey, one of our Yr 12 Sixth Formers, has recently participated in a life changing project. Organised by the Holocaust  Educational Trust, the ‘Lessons from Auschwitz’ project aims to

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Fantastic fundraising – ‘Wear it Pink Day’ for Breast Cancer Research

Another successful fund-raising event organised by Bridgewater School Sixth Form – a fantastic £404.19. Great team effort!!!  

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Christmas Shoe Box Appeal 2017  – Deadline 3rd November!!!

We’re kicking off our annual Christmas Shoe Box Appeal here at Bridgewater School to help some of the world’s most vulnerable children – many of whom will receive no other

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Harvest Festival 2017

A great opportunity for our younger pupils to understand that there are many people less fortunate within our community and to give thanks for what we have. St Mark’s Church,

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Macmillan Cake and Coffee morning 2017 – £736.56 raised!

Great result for our Cake and Coffee morning organised by our very able and organised Sixth Former’s – they raised a fantastic £736.56 for Macmillan Cancer Support…our younger children were

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Yr 8 visit to Central Gurdwara Manchester

Bridgewater School Yr 8 pupils recently enjoyed a visit to Central Gurdwara in Manchester – a Sikh temple – as part of their religious education/studies. A Gurdwara is a place

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A heartfelt, thoughtful tribute

Already a talented artist, eleven year old Stanley Middlemiss (Prep VI) of Bridgewater School, Worsley was so moved by the recent events at Manchester Arena that he wanted to put

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Bridgewater blazer treads the boards!

Our Bursars Office is always a hive of activity and we have a long history of dealing with the more unusual requests made of Bridgewater School! Our latest request has

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Launch of our 200 Club

Welcome to the 200 Club – the perfect chance to win cash prizes while raising money for Bridgewater School which will be used to help fund additional equipment, resources and opportunities

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Fantastic fund-raising efforts by pupils, parents and staff!

Here at Bridgewater, we understand the importance of families and ‘giving something back’ and so we’d just like to say a big shout out THANK YOU to all our pupils,

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Brain Tumours – signs to be aware of…

After successfully raising significant funds during our recent Egg Roll/Wear a Hat Day we would like to continue to raise awareness of the fight against brain tumours. If people are aware

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Beware the dangers of swimming in canals in hot weather!

Children are frequently warned about the dangers of swimming in canals and quarries in the hot weather….looks like someone needs to get the message out there to the local wildlife!

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Animal lovers to the rescue!

What a week its been at Bridgewater School for helping animals! Mrs Booth (Prep IV Teacher) and Finance Manager, Mrs Rebecca Johnson arrived at school to find a cat lying

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Music and Art Showcase in aid of St Ann’s Hospice

As our academic year draws to a close, we will be hosting our annual Art Exhibition featuring the fabulous work of our final year students alongside our Music Showcase on Tuesday, 23rd

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An Evening with Will Farmer from the BBC Antiques Roadshow

Members of the Inner Wheel Club of Worsley are hosting an event featuring Will Farmer of BBC Antiques Roadshow fame at Bridgewater School in aid of various local charities on

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Giant ‘soggy’ Wiggle Walk raises almost £1K for Action for Children!!!

Our fantastic Kindergarten and Reception classes took part in a sponsored Giant Wiggle in aid of the charity ‘Action for Children’.  The children donned an item of green clothing and

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Tanzania Expedition 2018

Planning is well underway for our Sixth Formers Tanzania Expedition in the Summer of 2018. Participants have been working on a number of team-building exercises to help them to develop

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Donating to the school at no cost to you!

Did you know that you can help raise donations for Bridgewater School without you even leaving your sofa? And best of all it doesn’t cost you a penny! Our school

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Meet Our Expeditionary Sixth Formers!

Ten of our intrepid sixth form students will be taking part in a two week expedition to Tanzania in July 2018. It’s an extraordinary and unforgettable opportunity for them to

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Macmillan Coffee Morning

Thank you to all of our supporters for your kind donations we have raised a massive £1125 for this very worthy cause.

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Win an MK bag in our silent auction!

Fantastic opportunity to win this MK bag very kindly donated by Worsley Dress Agency. Please submit your bid in a silent auction to the school office. All proceeds going to

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Music & Art showcase raises £1000

£1000 was raised last night at the Music & Art Showcase for @StAnnsHospice. Thank you to everyone who contributed to a wonderful evening. [su_custom_gallery source=”media: 1350,1351,1352,1353″ limit=”4″ link=”lightbox” width=”100″ height=”100″

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A new chapter in personal development

At Bridgewater School, we believe that education goes beyond academic achievement. Our ethos is built on providing every child with opportunities to develop socially, emotionally, physically and practically, alongside their

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Whole School Open Day 2024

At Bridgewater School, nurturing individuality for boys and girls aged 3-18 years lies at the heart of everything we do. It is the central thread that runs throughout the fabric

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Murder Mystery raises valuable funds

Following the success of last year’s Murder Mystery evening, Bridgewater School was delighted to once again host another highly entertaining fundraising event in support of St Ann’s Hospice. This year,

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Y7 residential to Condover Hall

Our Year 7 students recently embarked on a three-day residential adventure at Condover Hall in Shrewsbury, marking a wonderful way to celebrate their excellent start to the academic year. This

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