Bursaries and Scholarships

Bridgewater School is a registered charity whose purpose is the provision of independent education for boys and girls aged 3-18 years.

We encourage admission by pupils from all walks of life, irrespective of circumstance and, with that aim in mind, the school operates Scholarships, Bursary Schemes and free places for talented individuals who would otherwise not have the opportunity to discover their full potential.

At present, more than 20% of pupils within the Senior School receive some form of financial assistance. Talented boys and girls who are able to thrive in an inspirational setting that is inclusive, stimulating, supportive and totally focused on achieving every pupil’s individual goals.


Scholarships are awarded in the Senior School and may be given on entrance at age 11 (Year 7), on entry to Sixth Form and sometimes at other stages.

Academic scholarships may be awarded by the school for excellence in performance in these entrance tests. Performing Arts and Sports scholarships may also be considered.

Once a scholarship has been awarded, the entitlement to a reduction in fees continues throughout the pupil’s years at Bridgewater School, subject to high standards of behaviour, attendance, punctuality and work.

Scholarship awards vary in amount up to a discount of 25% off the full cost of school fees.

bursaries and scholarships


Through our own bursary support scheme, we are able to award a number of means-tested bursaries each year, giving deserving young people whose families are unable to afford the full fees, the opportunity to benefit from a Bridgewater School education.

Bursaries may be awarded at any stage, but particularly on entrance at age 11 (Year 7), or on entry to the Sixth Form.

Pupils aged 11 will have to attain a satisfactory standard in the Entrance Examination in order to be considered for entry to the school, and a bursary award. Parents should indicate on the initial registration form if they would like to be considered for a bursary award.

In the case of Sixth Form entry, pupils must satisfy the criteria in respect of performance in the GCSE examinations, in order to be considered for entry into the Sixth Form and a bursary award.

When registering your child for entrance to the school, parents should indicate, on the Registration Form if they would like to be considered for a bursary award. A Bursary Application Form will then be sent out, which must be completed in full and returned to the Bursar with full supporting documents, prior to the date of the Entrance Examination.

All bursaries are awarded at the discretion of the Bursar and the Trustees of the charity Bridgewater School. For all bursary awards, the family’s capital assets are taken into account and the award is reassessed annually.

Our bursary support scheme is currently solely funded through school income, which means that the number of bursary awards available each year is inevitably limited and awards cannot be made to all those who qualify.

Bursary Application requests should be directed to the School Office. Specific enquiries about bursaries should be directed to the Bursar. Please contact us on 0161 794 1463 for further information.

Free places

Bridgewater School award a number of free places each year for pupils from low and middle-income families.

It is expected that parents of qualifying pupils will be in receipt of either Working Families Tax Credit or Income Support, and will currently be attending a state Primary School in the locality. Additionally, a letter of recommendation for such an award from the pupil’s current school will also be required.

The freedom to be yourself is the greatest freedom of all

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