General Information

Our Sixth Form has its own special character, deliberately distinct from the rest of the school in style, codes of conduct and approach to learning – but still very much a part of the school. We continue our principle of combining academic and extra-curricular activities to provide a well-rounded education and the necessary skills to succeed in the 21st century.

Students are not required to wear uniform; the dress code is ‘smart casual’ (and must include a jacket) just as it would be in many places of work. Students have their own common room in which to share ambitions, laughter, ideas and space with like-minded people and ample access to facilities which promote independent study, including a Sixth Form Library and designated IT facilities.

Download Sixth Form Handbook

Download details of the Dress Code for Sixth Form

Download Sixth Form Code of Conduct


The freedom to be yourself

Through extra-curricular and enrichment activities, students are able to pursue new interests and experiences. All Sixth Form students are given the opportunity to challenge themselves as they take part in an international expedition or community project. Extra-curricular activities, which enable students to get involved in the life of the school, are wide-ranging and the Bonding Day which takes place in the first few days of term, ensures a warm welcome for all new students.

Monitoring Academic Progress

Parents and students are kept regularly informed of academic progress and receive their first grade card in October, followed by a full report at the end of term.

All students in Year 12 also sit the ALIS adaptive test in the first term which, together with their GCSE scores, provides a useful set of data on which to base their target grades.

Throughout the year, all students in Years 12 and 13 complete their Individual Student Records (ISRs) in form time. This allows them to record and discuss progress with their tutor and is an opportunity for them to set, review and record targets on a regular and individual basis.


Events in the Autumn Term

There are several important events which take place in the Sixth Form in the first few months of each academic year:

  • Sixth Form bonding event with ‘Adventure Now’
  • Completion of ‘Individual Student Record’ with tutor
  • Year 11 Induction / Higher Education Information Evening
  • Year 12 Induction into Sixth Form
  • Sixth Form Open Evening
  • Grade Cards
  • Whole School Open Day
  • Year 12/13 Parents’ Evening
  • Full reviews Year 12/13
  • Intensive, individual help with UCAS and Apprenticeship applications

The unique and caring environment at Bridgewater helps prepare students for any challenge they may face.

Aaliyah Sharplin, Head Girl 2019-20

Diary of our Musical Theatre London Trip

By Year 7 students, Sophie Hogan and Aduke Opeyemi. Day 1: An Exciting Start The London trip was certainly a trip we will remember. It was full of fun-filled memories

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Year 9 student makes golfing history

At Bridgewater School we are incredibly proud of our students’ achievements both in and out of the classroom. One shining example is the golfing success of Year 9 student Toby

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Key Stage 1 pupils present Aladdin KIDS

The summer term was an exciting time for our Key Stage 1 pupils as they showcased their budding performance skills in a super production of Disney’s Aladdin KIDS. This special adaptation of

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The Bridge – student magazine

We are excited to announce the launch of our new student editorial magazine, ‘The Bridge’. Our dedicated and enthusiastic student editorial team, led by Sixth Form’s Dalia Yousif and Joseph

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