
Working in partnership with Bridgewater

At Bridgewater School we are fortunate to enjoy a busy and varied calendar of activities. As such, we have a variety of regular sponsorship opportunities for sports and events, which not only provide corporate sponsors with an opportunity to promote their business to the Bridgewater community and be recognised as a champion of educational opportunity, but also raise awareness of our partnership and help to provide students with valuable new kits and equipment.

Opportunities include:

  • Buildings and facilities sponsorship
  • Sponsorship of Prep and Senior School sports teams including football, netball, basketball and athletics
  • Sponsorship of drama productions
  • Sponsorship of seasonal events such as Summer and Christmas Fairs
  • Sponsorship of fundraising events

We can also work with partners to tailor bespoke sponsorship packages to align with your business objectives.


In 2022 we held our first Bridgewater Ball in support of the Bridgewater School Development Fund. The glittering black tie event, which was held at The Lowry in Salford Quays, celebrated over 70 years of excellence in education and the start of a new programme of development and improvement for the school.

Future events are currently in planning. If you would like to receive information on sponsorship packages as they become available, please contact our Marketing and Development Manager, Caroline Saunders via email: saundersc@bwslive.co.uk

Opening the door of opportunity to inspiring individuals

Wood St Mission Books Forever appeal

We are pleased to share that Bridgewater School is supporting Wood St Mission’s Books Forever appeal. This wonderful initiative aims to provide brand new or good-as-new reading books (both fiction and

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IWMN collaboration brings studies to life

Earlier this month, Year 8 students deepened their understanding of ‘WWI Poetry and Propaganda’ through an engaging collaboration with Imperial War Museum North (IWMN). This unique learning experience provided valuable

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Early Years visit to Cockfields Farm

As part of their learning in Understanding the World (one of the Seven Areas of Learning), our Kindergarten and Reception children enjoyed an enriching educational visit to Cockfields Farm. The day was

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RED Ambassadors celebrate diversity

At Bridgewater School, our Respect, Equality and Diversity (RED) Ambassadors are dedicated to celebrating and promoting the rich diversity of our school community and the wider society in which we

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