A symphony of success

In the symphony of education at Bridgewater, music takes centre stage, harmonising the minds and hearts of students as they achieve remarkable milestones in their musical journey.
In addition to their participation in various musical activities, we are proud to recognise the achievements of students who undertook 2023 ABRSM (The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) examinations:
- David Adebanjo: Grade 2 Piano, Merit
- Hari Basu: Grade 7 Piano, Merit
- Isabelle Harrison: Grade 1 Clarinet, Distinction
- Isla Mameja: Grade 1 Clarinet, Distinction
- Tobias Mason: Grade 3 Piano, Distinction
- Sasha Viljoen: Grade 2 Clarinet, Merit
These exams are a testament to the students’ dedication and passion for music, and we celebrate their progress as they continue to inspire and challenge themselves in the world of music.
The above recognises those certifications awarded through the school music programme. We also offer our warmest congratulations to all students on their individual accomplishments achieved privately.