Usborne Book Fair 2022
To promote reading for pleasure and to encourage our pupils to read more broadly, we are delighted to announce we will be having a school book fair during the second week in October.
The book fair is being organised in conjunction with our local Usborne Partner, Carlie Bradley at Faraway Books, and every book purchased will go towards brand new FREE books for our school.
The fair will take place on Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th October, allowing every class the opportunity to look at the books. Your child will be encouraged to record their favourite books on a ‘wish list’. The book fair will also be open to parents before and after school (8-9am and 3-4pm), to browse the titles and place any orders.
Books can be ordered on the day of the book fair and we will also be accepting orders up to the end of Friday 14th October.
We hope that you see this as an opportunity to further support your child in their reading journey and we look forward to having lots more books for your child to read, share and enjoy in our school library.