Senior School Careers Programme

From their first year in Senior School, all Bridgewater students are offered a range of careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) opportunities to learn about the world of work and to help prepare for their future steps at post 16 and post 18.

We aim to prepare our students for life after school by helping them with their decisions at transition points, providing them with a variety of options so that every individual can make an informed choice about the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

What students can expect…

…in Year 7

  • A planned programme of careers education and guidance as part of the PSHE and enrichment curriculum
  • An introduction to careers resources including ‘Morrisby Careers’ and information on how to use them
  • Encouragement to identify personal traits, strengths and skills, develop confidence and have high expectations of themselves
  • Optional access to independent and impartial advisers via drop-in sessions.

In Year 7 students take part in ‘Self Awareness‘ – understanding what is meant by identity and awareness, and how this relates to students’ own interests, strengths and aspirations.


…in Year 8

  • A planned programme of careers education and guidance as part of the PSHE and enrichment curriculum
  • Further use of ‘Morrisby Careers’ and access to other careers software and websites available in school
  • Opportunities to explore their career aspirations
  • Signposting to career and course information
  • Personal strengths building and linking skills to specific careers, enabling realistic and informed decisions at transition stages
  • An introduction to the world of work and how it is constantly changing
  • Optional access to independent and impartial advisers via drop-in sessions
  • Development of their leadership skills, qualities and confidence.

In Year 8 students take part in ‘What is Work‘ – exploring what work is and why people go to work, delving into the different ways people work and varied work styles and workplaces.


…in Year 9

  • A planned programme of careers education and guidance as part of the PSHE and enrichment curriculum
  • Access to an interest-based questionnaire in ‘Morrisby Careers’, resulting in individual career suggestions
  • Investigation of different jobs and careers, considering lifestyle, budgeting and work / life balance
  • GCSE option planning with education and career routes in mind
  • Reassessment and development of their personal strengths, with a focus on employability skills using the SkillsBuilder model
  • Signposting to career and course information
  • Research into labour market information
  • A series of careers presentations from local employers
  • Career enrichment day covering job research, further and higher education options and apprenticeships
  • Optional access to independent and impartial advisers via drop-in sessions
  • Gaining of economic awareness.

In Year 9 students take part in sessions for: ‘Aspirations‘ – learning about the choice of careers available and how students’ qualifications will affect the jobs they can enter, ‘Investigate Careers‘ – discussing labour market information (LMI), identifying their skills and those subjects needing improvement to pursue favoured careers, and ‘Employability Skills‘ – looking at what transferable skills are, how these are developed and how they can be improved.


…in Year 10

  • A planned programme of careers education and guidance as part of the PSHE and enrichment curriculum
  • Goal setting using ‘Morrisby Tracker’ to record career related goals
  • Production of their own draft CV
  • Preparation for work experience
  • Experience of the world of work through a one-week work placement
  • Begin developing employability skills
  • Opportunities to participate in enterprise activities
  • An annual Careers Fair featuring employers, training providers and Further and Higher Education institutions
  • A series of careers presentations from local employers
  • Attendance at university taster events to find out more about Higher Education
  • Signposting to career and course information
  • Optional access to independent and impartial advisers via drop-in sessions.

In Year 10 students take part in sessions for: ‘Challenging Workplace Stereotypes‘ – discovering the concept of prejudice and stereotypes, ‘Careers for the Future‘ – navigating through the exciting world of future careers and looking at how a knowledge of future trends can affect their career choices, ‘Decision Making’ – analysing how we make decisions and why this process is important in our education and careers, and ‘CVs’ – giving students the tools to write their own CV, for now and into the future.


…in Year 11

  • A planned programme of careers education and guidance as part of the PSHE and enrichment curriculum
  • Consideration of post 16 options
  • Attendance at sixth form / college open days
  • Access to independent and impartial careers advisor via planned one-to-one appointments
  • Interview practice for entry to further education or apprenticeships
  • An annual Careers Fair featuring representatives from employers, training providers and Further and Higher Education institutions
  • Attendance at careers talks and taster days with employers
  • Continued development of employability skills
  • Signposting to career and course information.

In Year 11 students take part in sessions for: ‘Aptitudes‘ – completing aptitude assessment and analysing results to understand their career interests and priorities, ‘Investigate Careers‘ – discussing labour market information, identifying students’ skills and those subjects that need further improvement, ‘Options at 16’ – exploring the available options at 16 and the implications their choices have for career, eductation and apprenticeship opportunities, and ‘Apprenticeships’ – identifying the pros and cons and the different apprenticeship levels.


Year 10 Work Experience Week

Bridgewater will not only help you to reach your goals, it will enable you to exceed them.

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