
History is one of our most popular A-level subjects here at Bridgewater. Taught by Mr Lyons and Ms Hemmings, the department is rightly proud of its consistently strong examination performance, with many students continuing to study History as a degree subject at some of the UK’s leading universities. There is a wealth of examination experience within the department and lessons include a variety of teaching styles including much discussion, source analysis and traditional essay writing techniques.

We follow the OCR syllabus, with 4 units at A-level and we are bound by the examination rule of covering 200 years of history. Mr Lyons takes the American Revolution paper and the interpretation aspects of the Civil Rights in the USA paper. He also mentors the students for their coursework option, and it is here that the students tend to have a free choice of topics. Ms Hemmings takes the British History paper which incorporates a study of Churchill and an outline course of British history after 1945. She also teaches the essay part of the Civil Rights paper.

History is an and interesting A-level and allows further degree study of History, Law, Philosophy, Politics, Sociology and Classics.

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IWMN collaboration brings studies to life

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EYFS and Prep Open Morning 2025

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