
AS Mathematics

We follow the Edexcel course which is made up of two exams.

The 2 hour Pure exam focuses on topics that include Geometry, Algebra, Functions, Differentiation, Integration, Trigonometry, Vectors and Sequences and Series. This exam is 62.5% of the course.

The second exam focuses on the Statistics and Mechanics sections of Mathematics. This exam is 1 hour 15 minutes and is 37.5% of the overall mark. The topics covered include Probability, Statistical Methods, Statistical Hypothesis, Forces and Kinematics.

A-level Mathematics

We follow the Edexcel course which is made up of three exams.

The first two exams are based on the Pure content of the two year course. The A-level content builds upon what was taught at AS level and then takes topics further to answer more complex problems.

The third exam is based on the Mechanics and Statistics part of the course. This again builds upon the AS part of the course, taking the topics further and covering a wider range of topics.

All the exams at A-level are 2 hours long and are each worth one third of the final grade.

Further Mathematics

As well as Mathematics, we also offer the option to take Further Maths as an AS or full A-level. This as taught alongside the A-level course and delves further into the methods and concepts introduced in the A-level course.

For AS Further Maths, there are three exams at the end of Year 12. One is based on the Core Pure module which is worth 50% of the entire course. The other two are each worth 25% and are made up of two choices from Further Pure, Mechanics, Statistics or Decision Modules.

The A2 Further Maths course is made up of 4 modules that are all taken at the end of Year 13. The first two papers are based on the Core Pure modules, whilst the other two exams are as in the AS Further Maths assessment.

Every exam is 1 hour 30 minutes long and represents 25% of the final grade.

Maths is a popular subject and allows further study of engineering, medicine, accountancy, biochemistry and computer science amongst others.

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