
Science is critical in developing students’ understanding of the world around them and beyond. It enables them to explain everyday processes they may encounter and facilitates the acquisition of key skills required to prepare for their life ahead.

The Science department at Bridgewater School comprises four teaching laboratories with five teachers and a full-time technician. Every student is taught by a subject specialist for each science and students have the opportunity to take part in a range of extra-curricular activities to further develop their love and understanding of the subject.

The challenging A-level Science curricula enable students to deepen their understanding of the topics covered at GCSE. Alongside developing their knowledge of the key concepts of each science, students will undertake the practical endorsement. This is a separate qualification to the A-level and is achieved through practical lessons which are embedded throughout the two-year course. Students are assessed on their key practical, analytical and evaluative skills which enables them to mature into sound practical scientists.

Each science follows the AQA A-level specification. Students receive eight hours teaching per fortnight by specialist subject teachers. Science A-levels are highly regarded for any specialism by universities and employers alike due to the challenge and rigour of each course. Fundamental life skills such as teamwork, problem solving and critical thinking are promoted throughout.

Biology (Specification code: 7402)

Biology is the study of life from a cellular to whole organism level. Students will study a range of topics including Biological Molecules, Cells, Exchange, Genetics, Energy Transfer and Response with accompanying practical activities. There are three written exams including a range of questions from multiple choice to practical and essay style questions. Biology is a popular A-level and allows further study of biological sciences alongside supporting applications for those wanting to study medicine, dentistry or veterinary sciences.

Chemistry (Specification code: 7405)

Chemistry is the study of the matter and the way it interacts. Students will study a range of topics across physical, inorganic and organic chemistry with a range of accompanying practical activities. There are three written exams including a range of questions from short and long answer questions, calculations and practical based questions. Chemistry is a popular A-level and allows further study of chemistry-based degrees and engineering alongside supporting applications for those wanting to study medicine, dentistry or veterinary sciences.

Physics (Specification code: 7408)

Physics is the study of the properties of matter and energy. Students will study a range of topics including particles, waves, mechanics, electricity, fields, nuclear physics, astrophysics, medical physics, engineering and turning points. There are three written exams including a range of questions from short and long answer questions, calculations and practical based questions. Physics is a popular A-level and allows further study of physics, computer science, engineering and architecture.

Our approach is a blend of encouragement, enlightenment and academically excellent endeavour

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