“You’re hired!” – Yr 8 Enterprise Challenge

Just two hours to form a team, allocate roles, design a new product and roll out to market with a sparkling presentation to boot! Sound familiar? Yr 8 students totally embraced the Enterprise Challenge set by their Sixth Form – Yr 12 – peers today. The brief was to develop a new and exciting chocolate bar under the brand name ‘Cadburys’.
As always across the different groups, ‘team leader’ was a closely contested position, with roles allocated to new product developer, packaging designer, branding manager and promotion. Two hours … and some hard work later… some very creative products emerged along with some stand out presentations. Prizes went to Marianne, Ezha, Charlie and Aryan for their recognition of market trends by combining favoured popcorn into a chocolate bar whilst Reda, Hanna, Raya and Charlie embraced the concept of an ‘international bar’ designed to appeal to a wide target audience which also cleverly identified a need for the ingredients to be suitable for vegetarians and halal friendly amongst others.