2017 A Level results – 100% pass rate again!!!

We are proud and delighted to announce that once again our students have achieved 100% pass rate at A-level! Over half of all grades are A*-B and a quarter are at A* and A. Many congratulations go to all our Year 13 students for this tremendous achievement.

All of our students have now secured places either at their university of choice or on to higher level apprenticeships and we wish them well as they embark upon the next exciting stage of their education and careers.

Well done once again to all our students and staff for their hard work and thanks must also go to all our parents for their support during the Bridgewater journey. As a family school we are equally as proud to have shared this journey with all our students, many of whom have been with us from an early age and this endorses the outstanding partnership the school enjoys with our parents.

The size of our Sixth Form enables each student to explore their own individual talents and abilities and for them to excel in what they enjoy. Our warmest congratulations go to Georgia Berry who achieved a fantastic A* in English Literature, an A* for her EPQ plus two further A grades and is set to read Philosophy at the University of Liverpool. Also reading Philosophy is Paige Crawford who has been with Bridgewater since Prep III and has selected to study at Leeds University.

Harry Balderstone and Lydia Davenport-Thomas (Deputy Head Girl) have both accepted places at Lancaster University. Harry will be studying Computer Science and Lydia has taken up her earlier unconditional offer to study for a degree in Criminology. A pivotal part of Lydia’s decision was influenced by being selected to visit Poland in 2016 as part of the ‘Lessons From Auschwitz’ project. Her persistence and hard-working ethos has been honed by her personal experience of working within the family livery yard business as well as a part time retail job during her studies.

Christian Smith (Deputy Head Boy) and Faye Monsen (Head Girl) have both opted to accept places at Edgehill University. Inspired by Bridgewater Deputy Head, Mr Lyons, Christian will be studying for a degree in History and hopes to have a career in teaching and an opportunity to inspire the next generation of students. Faye is taking up a place on the Drama and Theatre Studies degree course. A shining star from the beginning, it has been obvious where Faye’s passion and talents lie throughout her time at Bridgewater. She is extremely talented in all three disciplines of performing arts and her lasting accolade is that she has played a part in every single school production since joining. She has already built up an impressive portfolio of work experience in her field including TV appearances and parts in pantomimes and musicals at Manchester’s Palace Theatre and Opera House.

A passionate and accomplished sportsman, Andrew Smith (Head Boy) has accepted a place at Liverpool John Moores University to study for a degree in Sports and Exercise Science and ultimately a career in coaching. He firmly believes that his time at Bridgewater has enabled him to develop the necessary drive, energy and interpersonal skills to ensure that he will be successful in this highly competitive field. Throughout his school life Andrew has played competitive football for both the school and the local Salford District Leagues from U13 to U18, developing his skills in several positions. He has also captained the school basketball team and enjoyed a range of other sports including: tennis, skiing, water skiing and wakeboarding. Whilst at Bridgewater he achieved many personal ‘bests’ and awards.

George Dixon has demonstrated a natural flair for business and instead of opting for a place at university he has been accepted by Ernst & Young, listed amongst the largest accountancy firms in the world, onto their higher level apprentice scheme. No mean feat as thousands of hopefuls apply for these highly coveted places each year!

Ashna Rayarel is a bright and ambitious student with a bubbly personality, well-travelled and with an international background that not only set her apart from her peers, but equipped her with a much broader view and understanding of the world. Her passion was always fashion and she has gone on to study for a degree in Fashion Public Relations and Communications at her first choice of London College of Fashion.





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