Extra Curricular Timetable

We truly believe in a holistic approach to education, encouraging and inspiring all our students to explore a wide range of extra-curricular interests and helping them to develop their individuality, their way.

Our school ethos aims to produce individuals who are well-rounded and able to meet the challenges of life in the 21st century and feel strongly that personal development is greatly enhanced by the challenge of a wide-ranging extra-curricular programme across all sections of the school.

We are proud to celebrate the achievements of a host of talented individuals excelling in music, drama, art and sport, with several accomplished pupils competing internationally in basketball, gymnastics, water polo and chess, or making their mark on stage and screen. From drama to debating, choir to quiz club, our extensive extra-curricular programme provides opportunities for every individual to flourish.


EYFS & Key Stage 1 (Kindergarten to Prep II)

Extra Curricular Timetable Summer Term 2024 – EYFS and KS1

Key Stage 2 (Prep III to Prep VI)

Extra Curricular Timetable Summer Term 2024 – KS2


Key Stage 3 (Years 7 to 9)

Extra Curricular Timetable Spring Term 2024 – KS3

Key Stage 4 and 5 (Years 10 to 13)

Extra Curricular Timetable Spring Term 2024 – KS4 and KS5


Extra curricular clubs at Bridgewater School

Music Tuition

At Bridgewater School we recognise the importance and value in learning a musical instrument and the positive impact it has upon a pupil’s whole school achievement. The music department has a qualified staff of specialist peripatetic teachers who visit the school during the week to give tuition on an individual and shared basis on a wide variety of instruments including:

  • Piano & Theory
  • Woodwind
  • Woodwind & Piano / Keyboard
  • Brass
  • Strings
  • Vocals
  • Guitar
  • Guitar & Drums
  • Drums

Lessons are in school time and run on a rota system so that pupils do not miss the same time and the same lesson every week. Experience has proved that this causes no detriment to the pupil’s general progress, which is closely monitored. Lessons last for 20 minutes (unless formally agreed with the peripatetic teacher that a longer lesson is necessary) and will be invoiced on a termly basis at £10 per session.

Pupils are also encouraged to join any of the extra-curricular groups such as Instrumental Group, Vocal Group, Ukulele Group, Recorder Group and Prep Choir, the participation in which will enhance their performance / ensemble and technical skills, as well as being great fun.

The personal discoveries we help our students to make about themselves, their talents and capabilities, will shape and define the rest of their lives.

Diary of our Musical Theatre London Trip

By Year 7 students, Sophie Hogan and Aduke Opeyemi. Day 1: An Exciting Start The London trip was certainly a trip we will remember. It was full of fun-filled memories

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Year 9 student makes golfing history

At Bridgewater School we are incredibly proud of our students’ achievements both in and out of the classroom. One shining example is the golfing success of Year 9 student Toby

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Key Stage 1 pupils present Aladdin KIDS

The summer term was an exciting time for our Key Stage 1 pupils as they showcased their budding performance skills in a super production of Disney’s Aladdin KIDS. This special adaptation of

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The Bridge – student magazine

We are excited to announce the launch of our new student editorial magazine, ‘The Bridge’. Our dedicated and enthusiastic student editorial team, led by Sixth Form’s Dalia Yousif and Joseph

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