Easter Celebrations 2019

Prep School Easter celebrations

To mark the end of a bustling Spring term during which Prep pupils came together to raise over £350 for charitable causes, the Gardening Club proudly presented their school garden ideas for the 2019 RHS Flower Show at Tatton Park and our Prep Choir took top honours at the Salford Choral & Vocal Festival, preparations are now underway for some well-deserved Easter fun.

On Friday 5th April, Prep pupils from Kindergarten through to Prep VI will enjoy a host of seasonally themed activities including:

Easter bonnet parade

Children are invited to create a uniquely individual Easter bonnet, to be proudly displayed in our Easter bonnet parade during morning assembly.

Egg roll

Our annual egg roll competition. A chance for Prep children to roll an egg down the course in the hope of winning a prize (and title of champion egg-roller!)

Name the bunny

A giant cuddly rabbit, kindly donated by one of our parents, needs a new name and a new home.

Easter tombola

Roll up, roll up…the ever-popular tombola is back sporting Easter themed prizes.

Parents and relatives are warmly invited to join us in the Prep Hall from 1.30pm to watch the fun and partake of a little afternoon tea.

Any donations of cakes (home-made or shop bought) and Easter gifts for the tombola (Easter eggs, bunnies, baskets etc) would, as always, be greatly appreciated. All proceeds will go towards PTA fundraising which continues to help pay for new equipment, subsidise trips and lots more besides!

Thank you for your support and a have a very Happy Easter.

The school's family atmosphere and inclusive and tolerant ethos underpins the excellent personal development of pupils.

ISI Report

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