Delivering success through sport

At Bridgewater School we understand that success comes in many forms, which is why we celebrate not only the achievements on the field, but also the joy of sportsmanship and personal growth that come with it. This term our Prep pupils have demonstrated outstanding spirit, positivity and commitment and their efforts have been rewarded with success in various sporting competitions.

Following the achievements of our Prep VI footballers, who successfully reached the semi-finals of the ISA competition hosted by Manchester City Football Club, the Bridgewater U11 football team delivered an exceptional performance in the regional qualifier of this year’s ISA tournament, securing their place in the national finals where they will represent the North of England. The boys now travel to St. George’s Park to compete at the proud home of England’s national football teams.

In the Worsley Netball League our Prep V and VI teams have maintained an impressive unbeaten record this season, highlighting their dedication and talent in the sport. Furthermore, our Prep VI Handball team excelled in the recent ISA tournament hosted at Beech House School, where they capitalised on their versatility and teamwork to reach the final.

Individual success has also been celebrated at several of this year’s prestigious regional competitions. An excellent performance at the AJIS Indoor Athletics Competition resulted in commendations for Prep VI’s Olivia (2nd place in the throwing event), Oliver (3rd place in triple jump) and Ben (Prep V), who earned a place on the podium in the vertical jump. Additionally, Florence (Prep V) and Rose (Prep IV) relished the opportunity to represent Bridgewater in the Salford Schools Cross Country Championships earlier this month.

It is not only our students but also our teachers who have been leading by example in sport. Mrs Tunney’s remarkable performances in a series of road races as part of the Central Lancashire Grand Prix earned her the title of 5th fastest lady in her most recent outing. Meanwhile, Mr Connolly and Mrs Hilton are diligently preparing for the 2024 Adidas Manchester Marathon, where they will be running in support of Macmillan Cancer Support, one of the school’s longstanding charity partners.

As we look ahead, there lie an abundance of opportunities in which every pupil can participate and flourish and we look forward to the personal triumphs that await.

Our highly experienced teaching team is committed to bringing hidden talent and undiscovered potential out into the light.

Diary of our Musical Theatre London Trip

By Year 7 students, Sophie Hogan and Aduke Opeyemi. Day 1: An Exciting Start The London trip was certainly a trip we will remember. It was full of fun-filled memories

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Year 9 student makes golfing history

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Key Stage 1 pupils present Aladdin KIDS

The summer term was an exciting time for our Key Stage 1 pupils as they showcased their budding performance skills in a super production of Disney’s Aladdin KIDS. This special adaptation of

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The Bridge – student magazine

We are excited to announce the launch of our new student editorial magazine, ‘The Bridge’. Our dedicated and enthusiastic student editorial team, led by Sixth Form’s Dalia Yousif and Joseph

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