Macmillan Coffee Morning
On Friday 27th September, the Sixth Form proudly invite you to join us for the World’s Largest Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. We look forward to welcoming families to the Prep Hall from 8.45am until 10.30am and would be delighted if you could spare some time for this hugely important cause.
We would also be very grateful for any donations of cakes or biscuits (home-made or shop bought): these should be dropped off either at the office from Monday 23rd September (subject to best-before dates) or taken directly to the Prep Hall from 8.45am onwards on the day.
Students will be given the opportunity to participate in this fundraising event, with cakes available to purchase in both the Prep Hall and Sports Hall at breaktimes. We would therefore be grateful if you could please ensure your child has a small amount of money to spend. Alternatively, there is now a contactless payment option on the day.