Students put on a show for Centrepoint

The last day of term saw the annual Talent Show make a much anticipated return, with acts from across the Senior School performing in front of an enthusiastic crowd.
A fabulous performance by Year 7’s Mackaylor Raynor saw her crowned the deserved winner, but warmest congratulations go to all the performers, in particular runners up Lyall Rowland, Grace McAdoo & Lois Burns and Jayden Johns.
The show, organised entirely by Bridgewater Sixth Form students, gives pupils a platform to showcase their talents and abilities, while raising money through ticket sales for Centrepoint, the UK’s leading charity for homeless young people.
Centrepoint provides housing, health support and life skills for young people in Manchester, London, Yorkshire and the North East, helping give them a future.
Together, Senior students raised £220 for the charity which supports 10,000 vulnerable young people every year.