Year 9 student makes golfing history

At Bridgewater School we are incredibly proud of our students’ achievements both in and out of the classroom. One shining example is the golfing success of Year 9 student Toby Ainsworth, who, at just 13 years of age, has been making waves in the golfing community.

Toby competes weekly in the Worsley Park Marriott Golf Club competitions, playing both on Saturdays and midweek after school. He is the only junior golfer currently competing and playing under the same conditions as the adults, including using the same tees and adhering to the same rules.

Over the past year, Toby has triumphed in three competitions, with his most recent victories taking place earlier this month. On Saturday 1st June, Toby clinched a significant win in the major annual competition known as The Masters, securing victory by an impressive 4 points. This remarkable achievement means his name will be immortalised on the board at Worsley Park, making him the youngest player ever to receive this honour.

Toby’s journey in golf began in earnest just over a year ago. He has been honing his skills with weekly lessons at Bolton Golf Club under the guidance of professional golfer Matthew Galley. Despite this relatively short timeframe, Toby has already achieved a handicap of 7.1, which he aims to lower further during the summer. His club head speed rivals that of several professionals on the PGA tour, highlighting his exceptional potential.

Golf is more than just a hobby for Toby; it is his passion. His dedication to the sport is evident in his consistent performance and eagerness to improve.

At Bridgewater we believe that fostering a balanced education with opportunities for students to pursue their interests and talents outside of the classroom is crucial. Toby’s achievements in golf are a testament to what can be accomplished when students are encouraged to explore their passions and strive for excellence.

The freedom to be yourself is the greatest freedom of all

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