Green Flag awarded for environmental excellence

Following the superb efforts of our Eco-Committee we are delighted to have been awarded the prestigious Eco-School Green Flag with Merit, an internationally recognised accreditation for excellence in environmental action and learning.

The achievement, which is a clear demonstration of the school’s continued commitment to sustainable practice, is testament to the work of our dedicated Eco Club in raising eco-awareness within our school community and their amazing work in making Bridgewater even more environmentally friendly.

Members of the Bridgewater School Eco Club collaborated with Science teachers Miss Brown and Miss Saxon, both passionate environmentalists with respective degrees in Marine Biology and Zoology, to conduct an environmental review, assessing how eco-friendly Bridgewater School is. They reviewed everything from the school’s recycling practices, to energy usage, to how environmental themes are covered in classrooms. Building on their findings, the group planned a year of activities that would up our green credentials.

To achieve the award, the club focused their work on three main Eco-Schools areas: Biodiversity, School Grounds and Energy. Activities included the creation of bat and hedgehog boxes for neighbouring Worsley Woods, participation in the Great British Spring Clean and the RSPB’s annual Bird Watch, the recycling of scrap paper and working to reduce energy usage and increase awareness across the school.

Eco-Coordinator, Miss Saxon, said: It is important that pupils learn about the values of biodiversity and protecting the environment. By providing students with knowledge and understanding of climate change and the environment, we are not only already working towards increasing sustainability as a school, but enabling pupils to make informed choices about how to live their lives in the future.”

Eco-Schools England Manager, Adam Flint, added: “Earning an Eco-Schools Green Flag Award takes passion, commitment and a desire to make a difference. The pupils at Bridgewater School should be proud of their great work. They’re an inspiration and it makes us feel heartened and positive about the future of our planet.”

Eco-Schools is an international education programme that prompts young people to explore sustainability and climate change and take action. To learn more about Eco-Schools head to

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