Launch of our 200 Club

Welcome to the 200 Club – the perfect chance to win cash prizes while raising money for Bridgewater School which will be used to help fund additional equipment, resources and opportunities for pupils.

To become a member, you simply need to make an annual payment of £52 via ParentPay and complete and sign the 200 Club Application form (downloaded here). This buys one membership number to be entered into each of twelve monthly draws (families may purchase more than one membership number).

The prize monies are as follows:-

  • 10 x monthly prizes of £50, £25 and £10
  • Christmas and Summer draw prizes of £150, £75 and £50

Anyone wishing to join this year’s Club, must sign-up by 5pm on Thursday 1st November 2018. Good luck!



  • The 200 Club is a monthly prize draw for members. Cost to enter is the annual membership fee of £52.00 which buys the purchaser one membership number (we will allocate) to be entered into the monthly draws. Families may purchase more than one number. All participants must be over 16 years of age.
  • Prize draws will consist of ten monthly draws, each awarding prize monies of £50, £25 and £10 to the first three membership numbers drawn. Seasonal ‘Christmas’ and ‘Summer’ draws will give cash prizes of £150, £75 and £50.
  • Draws will take place at Bridgewater School, Drywood Hall, Worsley M28 2WQ on or around the 5th of each month and winners will be notified via email. Bridgewater School reserves the right to publish the names of winners via digital channels.
  • All remaining funds raised from entry to the 200 Club will be used to help fund additional equipment, resources and opportunities for pupils of Bridgewater School.

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