Bridgewater adds colour to fundraising event

Pink and Yellow charity fundraising day at Bridgewater School

Article by Year 13 Publicity Officer, David Edwards.

Friday 15th October saw the whole of the Bridgewater School community come together to take part in our annual ‘Pink and Yellow’ charity fundraising day. An incredibly important event in the school calendar, the day gave students, staff and families the opportunity to show their understanding and support for such important issues as breast cancer and young people’s mental health, whilst raising valuable funds and awareness for two charities close to our hearts; Breast Cancer Now and Young Minds.

According to recent figures breast cancer is now the most common type of cancer within women in the UK, with one woman getting diagnosed approximately every 10 minutes. Yet through world class research Breast Cancer Now is discovering how we can prevent breast cancer, save lives and live well with the disease. Just some of the many reasons why Bridgewater raises money for such an important cause.

World Mental Health Day, which also takes place during the month of October, highlights the seriousness of mental wellbeing, with 1 in 4 people experiencing mental health problems of some kind each year. According to research, over 50% of mental health problems are already established by the age of 14, a figure increasing over the years, and with crucial focus on children’s physical, emotional and mental wellbeing, this shows how prominent an issue this is amongst young people and how vital it is to ensure that attention is give to our mental and physical health. For the benefit of both students and staff, Bridgewater offers extra-curricular activities such as ‘HIIT’ and yoga on a Wednesday and Thursday lunchtime, showing that exercise can be a great tool to look after our body and improve our mental health at the same time.

Head Girl, Rowan Blessing said

“The students, teachers and families at Bridgewater all in some way hold a personal connection to these charities. The school community, especially Sixth Form, have worked tirelessly to ensure that this year’s Pink and Yellow Day was a blossoming success. From our ‘Name the Bear!’ competition (congratulations to Frankie in Prep V), to the selling of stress-balls and donuts, this year’s event raised a huge amount of money which will be split equally between these two amazing causes.”

The whole school, from Kindergarten to Year 13 thoroughly enjoyed Pink and Yellow Day and we are all delighted to have raised a huge £1,402. So thank you.

As a family focused school, championing and supporting others lies at the heart of everything we do.

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