A positive mindset

Wish Jar

A positive mindset is so very important at this difficult time. It can be so easy to become bored and negative when faced with these challenges, so in the last week every student has been provided with a booklet of ideas including crafts, exercise and mindfulness activities to embrace during the lockdown and help provide focus over Easter.

Download ideas and support for Seniors and Prep pupils.

It is natural to struggle at times during the current situation. You may feel like your freedom has been stripped away and may not like all the changes that this brings to your everyday life. However, it can also make you feel grateful for what you do have. Try and take stock of the positives and these will help you focus during this period. This may be as simple as the sun shining, spending more time with your family, enjoying your pets or chatting to your friends on social media.

Having thing to look forward to will also help enormously. Our Prep pupils have therefore been making ‘Wish Jars’. Somewhere to write down and save something they wish they could do, where they could go, who they could see – that they are currently unable to. When the current crisis is over, they can then open the jar and make their wishes come true.

Kindness is key. Small actions can have a massive impact, so as well as being kind to yourself, be kind to others and your environment, Let us all do what we can to spread positivity and kindness in our homes and the wider community.

We believe that indivduals count. So we are interested in what makes us all different. Not just what makes us the same.

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