Artwork of the Month Summer 2022

Our Senior School students have produced some superb pieces of art over the summer term and the Art Department was delighted to select a number of outstanding artworks for the ‘Artwork of the Month’ award. The following students have therefore been recognised for their efforts in a combined award for the months of May and June 2022:
- Toby Ainsworth, Year 7
- Jasmine Carroll, Year 7
- Alfie Urmston, Year 7
- Kelly Yau, Year 7
- Mia Heneghan, Year 8
- Alice Irving, Year 8
- Tobias Mason, Year 8
- Sherine Thorpe, Year 8
- Jonathan Man, Year 9
- Imani Meech, Year 9
- Amber Old, Year 9
- Zara Townson, Year 9
- Bethan Birch, Year 10
- Megan Blessing, Year 10
- Millie Fisher, Year 10
- Star Son, Year 10