Bridgewater continues vital CPR training

CPR training at Bridgewater School

According to the British Heart Foundation, 30,000 people in the UK suffer a cardiac arrest out of hospital every year. Less than 1 in 10 survive. In countries like Norway, where CPR is on the school curriculum, the survival rates increase to 1 in 4. Which is why senior school students now receive CPR training as part of our PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) curriculum.

CPR instruction was introduced to Bridgewater pupils as part of the British Heart Foundation’s Call. Push. Rescue. programme back in 2019 and continues to help build in students a mature awareness of their personal and social responsibilities, we well as providing them with potentially life-saving skills.

Said Mr Lyons, Deputy Head (Pastoral) “While we fervently hope that none of our pupils will be faced with a life threatening situation, this invaluable training equips our pupils with the skills to act in such an emergency and potentially save a life.”

The school's family atmosphere and inclusive and tolerant ethos underpins the excellent personal development of pupils.

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