Celebrating acts of kindness

Recognising and celebrating achievement is at the heart of what we do, so we are continually delighted when this spirit is embodied by our school community. Recently, one of our Prep pupils exemplified this spirit of kindness and thoughtfulness in a truly heart-warming gesture.

Meet Tilly, a Prep VI pupil, whose empathy and generosity left a lasting impact on her teacher. Upon learning that Mr Suter harboured a lifelong dream of earning a Blue Peter badge, Tilly took it upon herself to make this dream a reality.

Mr Suter, known for his dedication to his pupils’ holistic development, has been actively encouraging his class to work towards achieving their own Blue Peter badges. In addition to the traditional Blue Peter ‘blue’ badge launched back in the 1960s, there are now special badges for different achievements, such as the Book, Music and Green badges. Mr Suter has even created a ‘badge wall’ in his classroom, proudly displaying photographs of the children alongside their badges.

Tilly’s nomination of Mr Suter was recognised by the Blue Peter team, who awarded the eleven year old a Silver badge for her kindness and sent Mr Suter his very own Blue Peter cloth emblem – a symbol “reserved for truly deserving adults.”

This thoughtful gesture not only brought immense joy to Mr Suter but also touched the hearts of us all. Acts of kindness like Tilly’s act as a reminder of the impact of compassion and generosity and we could not be prouder.

As a student, you are the most amazing discovery you will ever make.

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