CPR training for Restart a Heart Day

The latest statistics from the British Heart Foundation show that around 30,000 cardiac arrests happen away from a hospital environment in the UK every year and, in some cases, performing CPR can more than double the chances of survival. Which is why we think it so important to equip our students with the knowledge and skills to take action and potentially save a life.

Each year in association with the charity’s Restart a Heart Day, which raises awareness about cardiac arrest and helps people to learn CPR, nearly 300 students here at Bridgewater School are taught the steps to take in the event of such an emergency and have the opportunity to practise their resuscitation techniques in class using Call Push Rescue training kits.

Ms Hemmings, PSHCE Coordinator, says “I believe this training to be invaluable. By incorporating into the school’s PSHCE curriculum we are giving all our senior school students potentially life-saving skills and the confidence to use them.”

As a family focused school, championing and supporting others lies at the heart of everything we do.

IWMN collaboration brings studies to life

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EYFS and Prep Open Morning 2025

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