Team of entrepreneurs raise record amount for St. Ann’s Hospice

After successfully coming away from the Dragons with the maximum investment for their ‘Bridgewater Bags’ business venture back in October, last week the team returned to the Den for the finals of the Manchester Airport Community Network Dragons Den Enterprise competition.
The Year 10 students delivered a compelling presentation, demonstrating their creativity and innovation, as they showcased their finished product and the tactical brand extension they imaginatively produced for the seasonal market.
From the purchasing of materials, through to manufacture and sales, the girls evidenced their enterprise skills, declaring a record-breaking profit for the school in this competition, raising a huge £922.05 for local charity St. Ann’s Hospice.
Rebecca Stewart, Head of Careers at Bridgewater School, added: “The team did an amazing job. Collectively, the competition raised over £17,000 for local charities and the girls should be incredibly proud of everything they achieved.”
Well done to Rowan Blessing, Maddie Porter, Arabella Thompson, Cassia Reynolds and Ellie Boothroyd for their amazing accomplishments.