New projects supported by shared raffle

50 50 raffle supporting school projects

We are delighted to announce the continuing success of our shared 50 50 Raffle which welcomes new members from across the school community. Through the 50 50 scheme, 50% of all funds raised support school projects and 50% is awarded in monthly prizes, so the more people who enter = the greater the prize money + the more funds we raise.

Over the last three years monies raised for the school totalled nearly £2,500 which contributed to the enhancement of students’ outdoor recreational areas and the purchase of equipment and tools to improve our outdoor learning provision.

How it works:

  • Every person who joins pays £25 and receives a unique membership number
  • Your number is entered into 10 monthly draws (October – July)
  • Winners are drawn at random and notified by the school office.

Who can take part?

Any adult over the age of 18 who has a connection to our school (parents, family members, staff, volunteers, school partners, former pupils, governors).

How to enter:

  • Purchase your unique number via ParentPay or send cash / cheque (made payable to Bridgewater School) together with a completed membership form in a sealed envelope marked ’50 50 Raffle’

Pupils' experiences are enriched by an extensive range of visits and extra-curricular activities.

ISI Report

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