Prep residentials deliver enrichment beyond the classroom

Within the Preparatory Department, our holistic approach to education ensures that opportunities for pupils to continue their learning beyond the classroom and interaction with the great outdoors are simply part of the weekly routine.
However, we also believe that children benefit greatly from experiences away from the school environment itself, which is why, from the age of eight, pupils have the opportunity to develop their social and independent skills on class residential trips.
September 2019 saw children from Prep IV, V and VI embark on adventures to Castleton, the Lake District and Anglesey for an outdoor experience free from the intrusion of electronic devices.
Pupils enjoyed an exploration of caves, castles, lakes and forestry, participated in an array of activities and physical challenges including climbing, tree top trekking, kayaking and bushcraft and were immersed in a range of historical learning opportunities during their stay.
A wonderful way to start the new term.
For a detailed look into their activities, please visit the Prep Blog. Photographs are available to view via our Facebook page.