Stay home, stay safe online

stay home stay safe online

With the majority of people now staying at home and children accessing their learning remotely, our young people will subsequently be using technology more than ever before. The fantastic wealth of content available on the internet offers fabulous opportunities for learning and communicating, however it also increases the potential for children to see content that is not intended for them.

So, while it is vital to stay connected, it has also never been more important to have the guidance and knowledge to stay safe online.

Tips for staying safe online:

  • Discuss as a family how the internet will be used and agree boundaries
  • As a parent, be aware of the latest social media platforms, games and apps that your child may be using (see Net Aware)
  • Set up parental controls to help filter content, control purchases and manage usage (see NSPCC for more information)
  • Know what to do if something goes wrong (visit Childnet for useful contacts)
  • Keep your personal information and devices secure
  • Be cautious about who you are communicating with online
  • Balance your time
  • Think before you post.

The following links and resources provide further information and guidance for both pupils and parents:

Internet Matters – useful advice for parents on the latest video chat app ‘Houseparty’

Childline ‘Staying Safe Online’

BBC Lifebubble


Net Aware


The freedom to be yourself is the greatest freedom of all

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