Championing fitness and fundraising

We are thrilled to share the incredible efforts and achievements of our pupils as they once again dedicated their time and energy to support BBC Children in Need.

November was filled with enthusiasm and compassion as the Prep Department embraced the Pudsey Bearpees Challenge, a spirited initiative devised by none other than Joe Wickes. Throughout the month, Bridgewater children united in their classes to take on the Bearpees fitness challenge. This engaging and inclusive activity encouraged every pupil to enhance their fitness levels while raising vital donations for BBC Children in Need who provide essential support to children and young people across the UK. Special congratulations go to our Prep IV children who emerged triumphant in the in-school challenge by completing an impressive total of 490 Bearpees!

Inspiration knows no bounds at Bridgewater and it was heartening to witness many of our children feeling inspired to put their energies into additional fundraising activities for the charity. On Sunday 19th November, Edie (Prep III), Beatrice (Prep V) and Emily (Prep VI) showcased their talents and commitment by participating in the annual Tapathon event alongside their dance group from the Miss Joanne Farnell School of Dancing. The Tapathon is a nationwide tap-dancing event with a dual purpose – to raise funds for BBC Children in Need and to attempt to set a new Guinness World Record by uniting tap dancers across the country.

Bridgewater School extends a huge thank you to all our pupils, parents and staff who played a part in fundraising activities for BBC Children in Need. Your dedication to fitness, fun and fundraising has not only improved the wellbeing of our school community, but has also made a positive impact on the lives of other children and young people.

As a family focused school, championing and supporting others lies at the heart of everything we do.

Wood St Mission Books Forever appeal

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