Animal lovers to the rescue!

What a week its been at Bridgewater School for helping animals! Mrs Booth (Prep IV Teacher) and Finance Manager, Mrs Rebecca Johnson arrived at school to find a cat lying in the road which had been involved in a ‘hit and run’ incident on Worsley Road. Limping badly and with an obvious broken jaw, they didn’t hold out much hope. Luckily it still had its collar on with a telephone number but when they called, the poor owner had just landed in Spain for a short holiday and had left the cat to be looked after with a friend. Mrs Johnson managed to get the cat to the local vets, Pet Medics in Walkden. Since then he has been seen by none other than Noel Fitzpatrick (of Channel 4’s Supervet fame) and we have been keeping the owner updated.  We are really pleased to confirm that ‘Luciano’, is now back at home and making good progress. Although his jaw was broken, the vet said it should line up again in time. The best news is that he has regained a little sensation in the upper part of his leg (the vet thought it might not be possible to save his leg) so they are hoping that given a little rest and T.L.C that it will heal over time.

Luciano’s owner said that he had lost a little weight but is starting to put it back on again. Our in-house catering team have promised him ‘a gourmet cat feast’ on the house when he starts to feel a little more like himself!


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Wood St Mission Books Forever appeal

We are pleased to share that Bridgewater School is supporting Wood St Mission’s Books Forever appeal. This wonderful initiative aims to provide brand new or good-as-new reading books (both fiction and

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IWMN collaboration brings studies to life

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Early Years visit to Cockfields Farm

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RED Ambassadors celebrate diversity

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