The Seward family aim high for Diabetes UK

Raising money for Diabetes UK

Here at Bridgewater we consider ourselves a family. That means understanding, supporting and championing one another, celebrating each other’s success and ensuring we are here to help when it is needed. Which is exactly what the Seward family demonstrated earlier this month when mother and daughters scaled Snowdon together in support of Diabetes UK.

Mrs Seward, an invaluable member of the Prep teaching team and her daughters Milly and Annabel, both of whom attended Bridgewater School, were determined to reach the summit and raise as much money as they could to support valuable research into Type 1 Diabetes, the auto immune condition with which Milly was diagnosed in 2011 at just 12 years old.

Type 1 is the most common form of diabetes diagnosed in children and is a serious, lifelong condition where your blood glucose level is too high because your body can’t make a hormone called insulin. And we all need insulin to live. It does an essential job. It allows the glucose in our blood to enter our cells and fuel our bodies.

Despite suffering an episode of hypoglycemia (when your blood sugar drops too low) at the top, Milly and her family were nonetheless deservedly delighted to have achieved their goal.

Together, the Seward family have already raised £1,016 and every pound raised helps Diabetes UK support more people to live well with diabetes and break new ground in research.

Read Milly’s story

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