Continued support for Friends of Rosie

Bridgewater School raises funds for Friends of Rosie

This year we were once again proud to assist local charity Friends of Rosie with their seasonal fundraising campaign. Now an annual event, the giant handcrafted Easter egg donated by Manchester-based master chocolatiers Slattery, attracts huge interest across the school before being raffled off to help raise funds for the children’s cancer research charity.

Said Mrs Minta, Head of Sixth Form at Bridgewater School and advocate for the charity:

“This is a cause incredibly close to all our hearts and one that our Sixth Form fundraising team feel passionately about. This year was particularly fitting as the egg has been won by Prep pupil Rose. We hope she enjoys it.”

Friends of Rosie, which was set up in 1991 in memory of five year old Rosie Larkin by her friends and family, helps fund vital research into a variety of childhood cancers including neuroblastoma, leukaemia and brain tumours. Now in their 30th year, the North West charity continues its work and trusts that, with continued support, one day in the future it will be the difference for children with cancer.

As a family focused school, championing and supporting others lies at the heart of everything we do.

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