A fond farewell for Year 13 Class of 2021

For our Sixth Form Class of 2021, all of whom have left a unique mark on our school, the past two years have been both academically and emotionally demanding, with much of their learning taking place remotely, restricted social opportunities and final A-level examinations replaced by Teacher Assessed Grades. Yet despite these challenges, this group of young individuals have shown remarkable maturity, perseverance and resilience, and continue to set a superb example to the younger students.
Therefore, to mark the end of their Bridgewater journey, a truly personal final assembly was enjoyed, followed by a celebratory lunch on the front lawn, supported by their Lower Sixth peers. A wonderful occasion and a farewell befitting their achievements.
Well done to all our leavers, we wish you every success at university and beyond, and look forward to sharing news of your ongoing accomplishments.