Amazing A Level artwork celebrates family

Our GCSE and A-level Art students have created some wonderful pieces of art throughout their studies which we will be celebrating in an online exhibition in the coming weeks. The first of these is this incredibly detailed pencil drawing by Year 12’s Jessie Yu who has shown outstanding observational skills once again in her most recent personal response entitled ‘Family’.
Described by Jessie has the final piece in her Art, Craft and Design ‘AS’ course based on the topic of the Human Form, she decided to draw her closest family members to create a piece purely in coloured pencils. While working with this medium, Jessie discovered the many different colours that make up our skin and enjoyed the use of pencils in creating various colour tones which work effectively together.
The piece, which is approximately A2 in scale, took 2-3 weeks to complete and enabled Jessie, who is justly impressed with the outcome, to develop her skills to the highest level using this process.
Says Mrs Frayne, Head of Art and Design: “Jessie is a dedicated A-level student who always surprises and impresses me with her dedication and meticulous approach to her studies, producing such professional outcomes. This piece concludes a series of studies using controlled materials as part of her investigations on the theme of portraiture. Well done Jessie! We look forward to sharing further responses from other members of our A-level group in the coming weeks.”
Jessie hopes to further develop her drawing skills as she approaches the A2 course in her second year and aspires to embark on an Architecture Degree at the end of her A-level studies.