Artwork of the Month – May 2020

Students’ positive approach to remote learning during lockdown continues to impress, with the highest standards of work on display. This month the Art Department has selected the following students to receive the Artwork of the Month award for their creative efforts:
- Freddie Cartwright, Year 7
- Lukee Holding, Year 7
- Jaeden Lipson, Year 7
- Oliver O’Dea, Year 7
- Bre McFaydon, Year 8
- Mackayla Raynor, Year 8
- Star Son, Year 8
- Annabel Ahereza, Year 9
- Macey Carroll, Year 9
- Freya Melia, Year 9
- Bronte Reeve, Year 9
- Marcus Bamford, Year 10
- Millie Jones, Year 10
- Vyomi Kanji, Year 10
- Ethan Webb, Year 10