Bikeability gets Y7 cyclists roadsafe

This month saw the return of Bikeability to Bridgewater School and an opportunity for Year 7 students to improve their cycle control and riding skills.
The 2-day Level 2 Young Cyclist Training Course, delivered by Salford LEA, consists of an initial cycle check and assessment of riding ability, following the completion of which, pupils proceed to on-road riding sessions with a qualified instructor incorporating the practise of basic manoeuvres at local junctions. All of which build confidence, improve our young cyclists’ bicycle control and give them the skills to:
- Cycle safely and responsibly
- Identify and respond to hazards
- Start and stop on-road journeys
- Maintain suitable riding positions
- Share the road with others and communicate with other road users
- Comply with signals, signs and road markings
- Manage risk when cycling
- Negotiate junctions.
An annual event at Bridgewater School, the Bikeability course continues to offer a fantastic way to help riders become roadsafe.