As students reach the end of their first three years of secondary education, choices are made about the academic subjects they would like to study in Years 10 and 11. These courses lead to examinations for the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE).
At Bridgewater School we want all our students to be able to choose the career path that interests them and to have the necessary qualifications, determination and ambition to realise these ambitions. Therefore we strongly believe in the importance of maintaining a good balance of subjects at GCSE so that students can enjoy a broad educational experience and keep their options open for Sixth Form study and Higher Education. A good balance of options is likely to include a Modern Foreign Language, a humanities subject such as History, Geography and Religious Studies, as well as a creative subject such as Art, Design Technology, Music or Drama.
A guide to the subject courses available to Year 10 and 11 students can be found here>. Download the 2025 GCSE Options Booklet. Our GCSE subject list for 2024-25 is also available.
Years 7-9, Key Stage 3 | Years 10-11, Key Stage 4
GCSE Options |
Years 12-13, Sixth Form |
Mathematics Biology Chemistry Physics Spanish French Art Design Technology Drama Geography History I.C.T. Music Religious Studies Games/PE PSHCE
Core (compulsory) subjects
English Language English Literature Mathematics Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Science (single award) Games/PE PSHCE 4* Option subjects from: Art Biology Business Studies Chemistry Design Technology Drama French Geography History I.C.T. Music Physical Education Physics Religious Studies Spanish Statistics (Extra-Curricular, by invitation) |
Art & Design
Biology Business Studies Chemistry Design Technology (Graphics) Drama & Theatre Studies Economics English Language English Literature French Geography History ICT (A Level) & ICT (BTEC) Mathematics Further Mathematics Music Physical Education (BTEC) Physics Psychology Religious Studies Spanish
*Please note that if three separate sciences are chosen, one of them will count as an additional option choice and therefore the number of option subjects would be limited to three from the list above.