World Book Day 2019

World Book Day

World Book Day is a fantastic way to emphasise the wonder of books to our children. This year, on Thursday 7th March, Bridgewater School will be incorporating our World Book Day 2019 celebrations with Wear A Hat Day, to raise valuable funds for Brain Tumour Research.

“Helping to inspire our children to enjoy a lifetime of enjoyment from the wonders of the written word.”

We are therefore asking Prep pupils to don their thinking caps and wear a hat which represents a book or literary character (and make a donation for this very worthwhile charity which is close to the hearts of many).

Our ‘Get Caught Reading’ competition also launched this week, encouraging pupils to have their photograph taken whilst reading in unusual places, with someone special or simply in a different or creative way.

Said Mrs Hadgianni, Prep Literacy Coordinator: “We are sure that World Book Day will be an enjoyable experience for all concerned and will continue to help inspire our children to enjoy a lifetime of enjoyment from the wonders of the written word.”


Thank you to all our children whose imaginative hats raised a wonderful £246 for Brain Tumour Research. To see a selection of the creativity that was on display, please see our Facebook album

The excellent provision for these children offers a safe, welcoming and exciting learning environment, both in and out of the classroom.

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