Inspiring women in STEM

In today’s modern, connected world over half of all new jobs created can be found in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and the transferable skills developed through learning STEM subjects are proving invaluable for all future careers.

Yet according to the World Economic Forum, female students and employees continue to be under-represented in STEM fields, which is why we believe in doing all we can to address this balance and inspire the innovators of tomorrow.

This year our ‘Women in STEM’ members are combining hands-on learning with real world applications. In addition to developing their scientific skills through a range of practical activities, the participating Year 10 students will also look at an array of skills across different specialties and have the opportunity to visit important places of learning such as the University of Manchester, Smithills Farm and Jodrell Bank Observatory.

Industry links for exploration include:

  • Medicine and Health
  • Biochemistry
  • Bioengineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Chemical engineering
  • Civil engineering
  • Ecology
  • Space Science
  • Architecture.

‘Women in STEM’ forms part of Bridgewater School’s extra-curricular and enrichment programme. For further information please contact Miss Brown.

As a student, you are the most amazing discovery you will ever make.

Wood St Mission Books Forever appeal

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