Senior Vocal Group carol sing at intu Trafford Centre

We were very proud of our Senior Vocal Group last week as they found time in their busy schedule to spread some Christmas cheer at intu Trafford Centre, raising over £200 for St. Ann’s Hospice in the process.

In addition to the variety of Christmas carols performed to admiring onlookers, shoppers were also treated to a solo recital by Year 7’s Lyall Rowland and a duet by Lucia Cochrane and David Edwards of Year 10. Songs were also accompanied by sign-language for the hearing-impaired.

It was difficult to choose, but this one may be our particular favourite. Merry Christmas one and all!

The personal discoveries we help our students to make about themselves, their talents and capabilities, will shape and define the rest of their lives.

Wood St Mission Books Forever appeal

We are pleased to share that Bridgewater School is supporting Wood St Mission’s Books Forever appeal. This wonderful initiative aims to provide brand new or good-as-new reading books (both fiction and

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IWMN collaboration brings studies to life

Earlier this month, Year 8 students deepened their understanding of ‘WWI Poetry and Propaganda’ through an engaging collaboration with Imperial War Museum North (IWMN). This unique learning experience provided valuable

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Early Years visit to Cockfields Farm

As part of their learning in Understanding the World (one of the Seven Areas of Learning), our Kindergarten and Reception children enjoyed an enriching educational visit to Cockfields Farm. The day was

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RED Ambassadors celebrate diversity

At Bridgewater School, our Respect, Equality and Diversity (RED) Ambassadors are dedicated to celebrating and promoting the rich diversity of our school community and the wider society in which we

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