Calendar creation raising funds for Worsley Woods

Worsley Woods

Earlier this year Salford council’s Ranger Team sadly had to dismantle the woodland adventure playground / trim trail equipment in Worsley Woods due to severe weathering. Since this time, they have been working closely with the Worsley Woods Action Group to raise funds for a replacement.

As a school, we are incredibly fortunate to have this beautiful habitat on our doorstep and the woodland play area is one that all Bridgewater pupils regularly benefited from. Therefore we have launched a woodland calendar competition across the school to raise money for this very worthwhile cause.

Open to all students, pupils are invited to submit a piece of artwork (e.g. drawing, painting, photograph) related to the woods. Examples could be a photograph of the woods at dawn, frost on berries, a painting of spring flowers or a drawing of the wildlife.

Thirteen images (including the front cover) will be chosen from the entries to feature in a 2020 calendar which will be produced and made available for sale to the wider community.

Competition details

  • Artwork area for the calendar will be 220 x 220mm
  • Please submit finished work to the School Office, or, in the case of photography, please email the high-resolution image to (please ensure all entries are accompanied by student’s name & class)
  • All entries are to be submitted no later than Wednesday 6th November
  • Finished calendars will be available end of November

We encourage all children to participate. We hope that in addition to raising much needed funds for the woodland playground, the finished calendar will be something they can all be very proud of.

Pupils' experiences are enriched by an extensive range of visits and extra-curricular activities, locally, regionally and internationally.

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