Christmas Giving Food Bank Appeal

Bridgewater Christmas Giving Appeal 2020

This year’s senior school Advent Assembly, delivered by Mrs Purchase on the subject of Christmas Giving, was given a geographical focus and detailed three ways in which the Bridgewater community can come together to help support those less fortunate than ourselves:

1. Locally – through donations of much-needed food items for local charity, Salford Loaves & Fishes, who work tirelessly to help the homeless and vulnerable. To help support the work of the centre, the following items will be collected in school until 9th December and delivered in time for Christmas: cereal; tinned fish, meat, fruit and vegetables; biscuits; packets of pasta or rice; cooking sauces; tea and coffee.

2. Nationally – we are once again supporting this year’s Mission Christmas Appeal, which helps to provide a gift for children and young people living in poverty. Through generous gift donations we can play our part in making their Christmas Day a happy one.

3. Internationally – charitable support is also being given through Christmas Jumper Day. Taking place on Friday 11th December, this whole school event invites pupils to wear some festive knitwear in return for a small monetary donation, raising valuable funds for international children’s charity, Save the Children.

Thank you, once again, for all your support. The heart-warming generosity of our Bridgewater community continues to be something truly wonderful to behold.

Our unique, outwardly focused approach to education helps build a mature awareness of pupils' personal and social responsibilities

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