Q&A with our Team GB artistic swimmer

At Bridgewater, students are encouraged to follow their passions to be the best that they can be and we are proud to celebrate the achievements of a host of talented individuals excelling in their chosen fields. One such student is Sixth Form’s Aimee Lawrence who competes internationally with the Great Britain Artistic Swimming Team. Here we asked Aimee to tell us a little bit more…

Summary of achievements:

“I have been doing artistic swimming competitively for 8 years and I first joined the England Talent Development Pathway for artistic swimming when I was 12 years old. I first competed for England in Croatia and Seville when I was 14 years old. I also joined the Great Britain training squad the same year and continued this journey for 3 years until 2020, when I was chosen to be part of the travelling team.

“For the 2021 season I was selected to be part of the Great Britain Artistic Swimming senior and junior travelling team. I was able to go to Budapest, Hungary in May to compete in the Senior European Aquatics Championships in the technical team event, in which we were placed 7th in Europe. In addition, this July I will be competing in Malta for the Junior European Championships in the technical team and free team events.”

Tell everyone a bit about yourself:

“My name is Aimee Lawrence and I am 17 years old. I am part of the Great Britain Artistic Swimming senior and junior travelling team and am also studying 3 A-levels in Maths, Biology and Psychology as well as an AS level in PE and a Sports BTEC. I live with my mum, dad and little sister, who also likes to do artistic swimming, and my pet cat named Herb.”

What is it that inspires you?

“What inspires me is the idea of always pushing to be the best version of myself and achieving as much as I possibly can.”

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

“In 10 years I would like to have attended the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris and have graduated from university. I would like to have a job possibly in sports physiotherapy and own a house of my own. As well as this I would also like to travel around Europe and America to experience a different cultures and have some fun!”

How do you relax in your spare time?

“In my spare time I like to sleep and watch Netflix to recover from long training camps. I also like to go shopping with my friends because I am away most of the time on training camps in the school holidays and also training on the weekends, so whenever I get a chance to meet up with them, I will.”

What would be your top tip for other pupils hoping to follow in your path?

“My top tip would be to make sure that you enjoy what you are doing and focus on what you want to achieve. The sacrifices will be worth it.”

What inspires me is the idea of always pushing to be the best version of myself.

A Lawrence, Class of 2022

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