CREST Bronze Award for Y10 scientists

Y10 students at Bridgewater School win CREST Bronze Award

We are delighted to announce Bridgewater’s inaugural batch of Bronze CREST Awards.

The national scheme, organised by the British Science Association (BSA), recognises student-led project work in the STEM subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. The award scheme introduces students to project work, empowering them to work like real scientists on a project of their own choosing to address a real-world STEM problem, developing experimental and research skills, before summarising their findings in a report and presentation.

Congratulations to our twelve Year 10 chemists, who participated in this ten-hour extra-curricular project to investigate the effect of washing detergents on a variety of stains.

Note: For students interesting in furthering their chemistry skills, the Silver CREST award will begin in the 2022-23 academic year, involving 30+ hours’ worth of investigation.

As a student, you are the most amazing discovery you will ever make.

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