Superpower your shopping and raise free funds for our school

Raise free funds for us when you shop online via TheGivingMachine
TheGivingMachine is a registered charity and fundraising organisation designed to help schools and charities raise money online.
Retailers pay commission to websites that send shoppers to them. TheGivingMachine turns this into a charitable donation for our school. So every time you shop online via TheGivingMachine, you’ll automatically raise a donation for us and it does not cost you a penny.
It really is that simple.
Every time you shop online start at TheGivingMachine website (or the free Shop&Give mobile app). When you shop you will raise a % commission, at no cost to yourself, which TheGivingMachine then pass on to us.
Over 2,000 of the UK’s favourite retailers including John Lewis, Amazon, Sainsburys, Currys PC World, Aviva, and Thomas Cook support this amazing scheme. So please join and support our school today using our unique sign-up code: 61639 and Click. Shop. Give for free. Thank you.